Sunday, 9 August 2009

Preparing for Kilimanjaro Climb 2009 II

First the good news: I have finally managed to take into my possession a mountain bike to help me raise my fitness level for the Kilimanjaro Climb in September. I still have to pay my niece for the bike which she bought but has never used although I plan to convince her to donate it to me as her contribution to the Mwalimu Nyerere Charity Climb 2009.
The bad news: the bicycle is in Dar es Salaam, where I have been for the past week while I should have it at Butiama where I would be able to ride up and down Mt. Mtuzu. I have been riding it around Dar es Salaam and have been careful to dodge some of the road hogs of Dar who learn to drive on the road, rather than at a driving school.

Yesterday I met an individual who tells me he used to sell driving licenses at a cost of Sh.150,000 (approximately $US130), complete with driving test certificates and the necessary signed 'official' papers and permits. Some of the individuals to whom he has sold these licenses are drivers of public service vehicles. He would pay about a tenth of his selling price to a middlemen with the necessary connections to the relevant government offices.

Back to Kilimanjaro: I am still undecided whether I should take the bicycle to Butiama or keep it in Dar where I have found it is extremely convenient to use during rush hour and will take you to a destination faster than a vehicle. Which reminds me; I saw someone driving a yellow Lamborghini in the streets of Dar es Salaam two days ago and the only impression I have, considering the snail pace of traffic in Dar is: what a waste of money and horsepower.


  1. did you say you saw a yellow lamborghini in the streets of dar or is my reading eyesight deserting me

  2. Mr. Nyerere, your thoughts on the Lamborghini in Dar traffic made me laugh aloud in my office this morning, as I remember quite clearly the streets crowded with vehicles, bicycles, and people (not to mention the potholes and many areas under construction).

  3. Mkuu hiyo bike uliyosema unataka kumuimbisha akupe kama mchango!! Well nimecheka kidogo. Siku zimepita sasa. Alikupa bure sasa au ndo ulilazimika kulipa???
